Bringing the Arts & The Community Together

About Arts Council Oklahoma City, Our Staff and Board, and Contact Information

Our Mission

The idea of bringing the arts and the community together began in 1967 with Festival of the Arts. In the past 50 years, Arts Council Oklahoma City has grown to present some of the community’s favorite events and performances. The Arts Council’s All Access Arts teaches Oklahoma City’s youngest and most underserved artists to dance, sing, sculpt, paint, create, and interact with professionals in their crafts. Art Moves brings diverse entertainment to downtown Oklahoma City’s busy streets.

Arts Council Oklahoma City is a nonprofit 501 (C)(3) organization dedicated to bringing the arts and the community together through free or low-cost, large-scale downtown Oklahoma City cultural events and various arts outreach activities that impact underserved populations. We are proud to expose our community to the full spectrum of art in its many forms. By focusing on teaching, learning, and appreciating the arts, our events and programs help the residents of our city learn to create, experience, and enjoy art.

Diverse Programming

The arts take many forms and we bring a wide range of art forms to the community – musical performances, visual art displays, interactive art exhibits, and arts education. We also attract a diverse audience. Through our free or low-cost programming, the entire community is invited to experience the arts

Flagship Event

Festival of the Arts, our flagship event, is anticipated by the community annually. This projects drive citizens to the heart of our downtown and is something the residents of Oklahoma City are proud of and look forward visiting each year. Most importantly, this event helps our city learn to experience, appreciate, and love art.

Powered by Dedicated Staff and Volunteers

We strongly believe in involving the local community in the arts. When serving audiences as large as 50,000 to 750,000 people, it is crucial to have passionate and capable volunteers. Annual events and programs are prepared for year-round using staff and volunteer resources to ensure that our events are well-planned and successfully promoted. These volunteers are integral to accomplishing our mission of bringing the arts and the community together and their vision, planning, and hard work allow us to continue achieving that mission. 

Our Team

Angela Cozby

Executive Director

Nick Caudle

All Access Arts Director

Erin Clemons

Art Moves Director

Jillian Coker

Development Director

Maria DeLoera

Executive Coordinator

Liliana Gordon

All Access Arts Coordinator

Seth Lewis

Festival of the Arts Director

Avery Matney

Events Coordinator

Coroy Smiley

Facilities Director

Executive Committee

Garrett Jackson
VP of Environmental, Health & Safety, Devon Energy Corporation

Past President
Brian Alford

Tyler Bolton
VP, Asset Development, Flywheel Energy

Vice President 
Paul Lienhard
First Senior Vice President, MidFirst Bank

Hillary Farrell
Principal, Hillary Farrell Consulting

Board of Directors

Brian Alford
Past President

Tyler Bolton
Vice President, Asset Development – Flywheel Energy

Kirby Brinlee
Senior Manager Brand & Marketing  – OG&E Energy Corporation

Jana Bugher
Senior VP & Treasury Sales Manager OKC Market – BancFirst

Lauren Clark
General Counsel – Chickasaw Nation Department of Commerce

Chuck Cohn
CEO – Latchkey Child Services

Scott Douglas
Clyde Riggs Construction

Hillary Farrell
Executive Officer, Marketing – The Chickasaw Nation 

Misha Goli
Managing Member – Dunkin’ Donuts

Lance Haffner
Executive Vice President & Chief Revenue Officer – Heartland

Isaac Hines, AIA, NCARB
Principal – Tradesman Architechtural Studios

Andrew Holder
Industrial Specialist – Price Edwards & Company

Sheena Hollander
Director of Corporate Communications & Public Relations – Express Employment

Garrett Jackson* 
Vice President of Drilling and Well Construction Technology – Devon Energy

Eric Joiner
CEO, Partner – ICG ADV

Paul Lienhard
Senior Vice President – MidFirst Bank

Lisa Monsour Mason
Counsel, Odom & Sparks, PLLC

Dr. Daniel Molina, MD, FAAFP
Chief of Public Health & Research, Chickasaw Nation

Lane Neal
Partner – Durbin, Larimore & Bialick

Phi Nguyen
Chief Operating Officer – Downtown OKC

Helen Rambo, MBA, CPA
Chief Financial Officer, CMR

Leah Roper
Managing Attorney – Center for Employment Law

Timila Rother
Risk Management and Claims Counsel  –  Crowe & Dunlevy

Ashley Stevenson
Property Manager – Generations Holding LLC

Lindsay Vidrine
Senior Vice President of Destination Marketing, Visit Oklahoma City

Margaret White
Associate, Hall Estill

Susan Whittington
Community Volunteer, 2019 Festival of the Arts Co-Chair

*Board President