Adam Ledbetter ft. Kizzie – Jazz/Hip Hop/Spoken Word

- Feb 16 2021
- Expired!
- 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Adam Ledbetter is often known as the keyboard-ripping, beat-boxing, harmonizing rapper half of OKC’s dynamic musical duo, Adam and Kizzie. Oklahoma City also knows Adam as the go-to jazz pianist in the scene. A true jazz musician, Adam is rooted in the history and vocabulary of jazz, making him a refreshingly authentic player and major player in OKC and anywhere he hits on tour.
Adam is a true improviser. A talented sound engineer was talking about a recording session he’d done with Adam a few months ago, “He’s an improviser like Aretha Franklin, every take is brilliant, but each one is completely different.” Of course, improvising is not winging it by any means. Adam is an exceptional natural talent with a mind to organize and codify the language, information, and history of the music. He makes sure he can call on his ideas at will, and thoughtfully summons whatever rhythm, voicing, or motif is appropriate for any musical situation. -Christian Pearson, OK Sessions
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