Mr. Puppet

- Jul 07 - 10 2020
- Expired!
- 10:00 am - 11:00 am
” ‘The Mister Puppet Show’ is a live half-hour/forty-five minute children’s comedy program, featuring live puppetry, ridiculous slapstick humor, corny jokes, and a whole lotta heart.
Inspired by the low-budget children’s television programming of the 1950’s, the work of Jim Henson’s Muppets, and the gentle humanity of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, “The Mister Puppet Show” aims to entertain an audience of all ages, while, at the same time, presenting quality, positive material in the hopes of impacting children’s lives for the better.
While the youngsters laugh and giggle, enjoying the whoopee-cushions, rubber-chickens, and banana-cream-pie-to-the-face gags, adults will appreciate the throw-back, retro style, the goofy wordplay, and the heartfelt sincerity on display throughout the entire program.”